Why Hire a Professional Electrician vs. DIY?

Why hire a professional electrician vs DIY?There are countless scenarios in which you may need the services of an experienced and professional electrician. Whether you’re remodeling, building a new home, constructing an add on to your existing home or simply needing to update your homes electrical system you may find yourself asking the question, “Do you need to hire a professional or can you or someone you know do it?” 

Consider the Liability

One thing to take into consideration when deciding whether or not you should hire a professional or simply do it yourself is liability.  When any kind of work or update is being done on an electrical system there’s a lot at stake. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Association there were nearly 50,000 house fires involved faulty or malfunctioning electrical systems. When your home and family could be in danger why take a risk by hiring someone who isn’t licensed or insured?  Our team at Electric Doctor are not only licensed electricians we’re insured and have a reputation of excellence.

You’re Paying for Peace of Mind

When you hire a professional electrician versus doing it yourself you’re not just paying for a job well done you’re paying for peace of mind.  Our professional team is trained and well versed in what is safe and up to code – we won’t skip corners to save on costs because we understand how important it is to make sure the job is done right.  While it might seem convenient to try and replace outlets or run your own wiring the peace of mind that comes with hiring a professional far outweighs what you think you might save.  Since professional electricians have the benefit of experience they’re able to finish projects in a timely fashion – hiring a professional can save you the valuable commodity of your time.

Contact Electric Doctor for an estimate today – family owned and operated our award winning team is standing by to help you with your residential, commercial or industrial electrical needs!

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