Importance of Upgrading Electric Systems in Older Homes

Older home electric systems upgrade

Older homes are beautiful. There’s something about the strength of the architecture, and the weight of knowing just how much history is packed into the walls. Older homes come with a price, however, due to outdated building practices. Old electrical systems can have an impact on the safety and energy consumption. Let’s take a look at a few things that may need to be updated in homes built more than 50 years ago.

 – Breaker Box

Modern homes require the use of more electricity than in the past. Today, most home require 150 amps of electrical service. Old homes  may not have the capacity to keep up with your electrical usage, which means you may need to install a new breaker box.

 – New Wiring

It is wise to have a licensed electrician perform a full inspection to determine the quality of the wiring in your home, and whether or not the electric systems need to be upgraded. If it is in good condition, it may be possible to leave it intact. Otherwise, you may need to install new wiring from the breaker box to connected devices. While this requires drilling holes and cutting into the structure of your home, it may be wise to complete to add to the value of your home.

 – Replacing Ungrounded Electrical Devices

Another thing you need to have checked is the lights, switches, and outlets in your home. Outdated electrical devices that are ungrounded can be dangerous. It’s wise to have a licensed electrician check them to see if they meet safety guidelines.

Need to Upgrade Electric Systems?
Call for an Inspection Today from Electric Doctor

We can’t stress the importance of having an electrical inspection from a licensed electrician when you purchase an older home. There can be dangers lurking you don’t even know about. For example, earlier homes were build using cloth-covered hot wire and a neutral wire. When these circuits are covered with building insulation, they can overheat. Take control of the electrical system in your older home – call Electric Doctor to schedule an inspection today!

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