What to Do if Your Power Goes Out During the Winter

What to do if your power goes out during the winter in COYou’re eating dinner, when all of the sudden, the room goes completely dark. The eerie silence is overwhelming: The appliances are off, the lights are gone, and – worst of all – the heat is no longer distributing throughout your home. What should you do?

It’s dangerous to lose power during the winter in Colorado. In the summer, all it takes is pulling out the ice chests and storing all the food from your freezer and refrigerator. The worst that can happen is that you need to eat all your frozen food much earlier in the year than you thought. Power outages during the winter months are a different story altogether. Here are tips for what to do iffier power goes out during the winter:

Tips for When the Power Goes
Out in Colorado During the Winter

– Have an Emergency Plan

One mistake people make is that they haven’t even considered what they’ll do if their power goes out during the winter. Create a plan, and then sit down with your family and discuss what you are going to do once the power goes out. That way you’ll all be on the same page.

– Check the Cause

There are many reasons power can go out. Before you panic, check your breakers to see if they flipped for some reason. If your breakers are fine, call your neighbors to see if they have power. Sometimes, the cause can be a downed power line that takes out the power on a block. Additionally, call your energy provider to determine the cause of loss of power.

– Save the Heat

Before anymore heat escapes your home, try to save any heat that is left in your home. Make sure windows are closed, place towels under unused doors, and limit your family to one section of the home to keep it warm with body heat.

– Check the Neighbors

If you have elderly neighbors, check to make sure they are all right. Ensure they have warm blankets, and that none of their medical devices need power for them to survive.

– Conserve Food

Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed – they should stay cold for hours. If the power outage continues, consider putting your frozen items outside (if it’s cold enough).

– Find Alternative Heat Sources

Find an alternative heat source, in case the outage lasts for a while. If you have a wood stove or a fireplace, this is perfect. Don’t use  kerosene heaters, BBQ’s, or any other heaters that you use outdoors. These kinds of heaters use poisonous gases that can build up in small spaces. Carbon monoxide is odorless, and can kill quickly.

Call an Electrician for Regular Checkups!

All these tips will come in handy should your power go out. They should help you weather any storm or power outage until the problem is fixed! Remember, it’s important that you keep your electrical wiring repaired, and electrical circuits well-cared for by an experienced electrician to avoid

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