You just bought your new electric car. You’re excited to get it home and start using it, but you’re not sure how to install an electric vehicle charging system. The best advice we can give you is to contact a licensed electrician before you go about installing a charging station. It’s important to ensure your home has sufficient voltage for such a task. Let’s look closer at the process for charging your new electric car:
Volt Outlet in Your Garage to Charge Your Electric Car
To begin charging your car at home, you’ll need to be sure you have a standard 120-volt outlet in your garage or the area where you want to charge your car. Many people want to charge their vehicles faster (we all live busy lives and time is precious). If this is the case, you’ll need more technical work. To charge faster, you’ll need a 240-volt circuit that is dedicated to charging your car. Additionally, you’ll need a charging station. Here is a checklist for you to begin charging your car at home:
1. Get Information
Talk to the business where you bought your car to gather as much information about the electric vehicle charging station you’ll need to install. They will be able to walk you through the steps and what your home will require.
2. Get Permission
Check with your HOA or renter. Before you begin this process, make sure you allowed to install an electric car charging station. There are many factors that go into the decision, such as who will handle the increased electricity cost, rate plans, and parking spaces.
3. Call for Backup
Call a licensed electrician. We will come to your home and inspect it to see what you’ll need to get started. Often, we will need to do some electrical upgrades that can handle the task. We’ll inspect your outlets to make sure your car won’t overload the rest of the household’s electricity. Installing a dedicated circuit breaker can solve this issue. The cost for installing a charging system varies – give us a call to learn more.
Contact Us for Help
If you are working to get your home charging station installed for your new electric car, don’t hesitate to contact a licensed electrician at Electric Doctor. We work hard to ensure our customers receive high-quality work quickly, because we know your time is worth a lot. Contact us to get all the answers you need regarding your new charging station!
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