What’s the most important safety installation for your home? We believe it is your smoke detector. After all, according to the National Fire Protection Association, the death rate from fires in homes with no working smoke alarm is twice as high as in homes with working fire alarms. It’s extremely important to protect your home and your family by making sure your fire alarms are installed and working properly. It only takes a few minutes to ensure your family will know to escape your home due to a fire. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can keep your family safe.
Proper Installation:
One of the easiest and best ways to keep your family safe from a fire is to make sure your smoke alarms are installed and working correctly. Test them monthly to make sure they are working correctly. To test, you can simply hold down the test button. Or, you can purchase a spray can of smoke detector test aerosol.
Correct Amount:
It is important that you have the correct number of smoke detectors in your home. it is recommended that you have a detector outside every sleeping space, inside every bedroom, and on every floor of the house.
Fire Safety Knowledge:
If you have children, teach them basic fire safety. Have a plan they can execute in case of a fire. Research the best escape routes, and purchase fire ladders for their bedrooms that can be used to escape second-story rooms in case of emergency.
Need to Install/Repair/Replace
Smoke Alarms? Call Electric Doctor!
We understand that life gets busy. We all procrastinate on tasks like replacing or testing smoke detectors. This is unwise, however, as proper smoke detector installation can save your family’s lives. If you want peace of mind about the correct installation of smoke detectors, need an alarm repaired, or need to install a new smoke detector in an area of your home, don’t hesitate to call Electric Doctor. One of our experienced, licensed Highlands Ranch electricians can ensure your alarms are in good working order and installed correctly!
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