How to Protect Electrical Wiring from Rodents in Colorado

How to protect electrical wiring from rodents.Colorado doesn’t have too many rodents. But, that doesn’t mean that the ones we do have stay away from our electrical wiring. When rodents chew electrical wires in your home, they cause damage that will be troublesome, and even dangerous. It’s important to keep your eyes open for the signs of rodent damage to your wiring. Here are a few tips on how to protect your electrical wiring from rodents and why it’s important to contact an electrician to repair damaged electrical wiring!

Electrical Damage from Rodents – What to Look For

It can be difficult to spot electrical wiring damage, because it is all encased in plastic insulation within the walls of your home. So, one of the best ways to know about damage is to notice other signs of a rodent infestation; droppings, scurrying in the walls at night, nests, or finding rodent skeletons. Additionally, check visible insulation in your home for any signs of gnawing, chewing, or tearing. If you see any of these signs, it is a good idea to contact a pest control professional who will be able to advise you of the best extermination option.

Why Electrical Wire Damage Wire is Dangerous

You may wonder what the cause for concern really is. After all, you can’t see the damage, so it likely isn’t a problem. Right? Wrong. When rodents chew wiring, it causes damage that leads to overheating. This overheating can cause a short circuit. When electrical wiring gets too hot, it can set the surrounding materials on fire.

Call an Experienced Electrician to Inspect for Damage

If you’re concerned there may be electrical damage due to rodent activity in your home, it is important that you call an experienced Denver electrician to inspect your home. A thorough inspection is needed to ensure there is no danger of electrical fires or failures. Call a licensed, bonded, and insured electrician at Electric Doctor – we are here to help you!

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